Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just a little update...

Hi Everyone,

It's great to have so many messages from you and to hear about what you have been getting up to in your new classes!

I have just finished my job as a kindergarten teacher in Frankfurt. We had the summer festival on my very last day which was great fun as all of the children sung songs. They even sang 'Kukaburra sits in the old gum tree' and 'Tie me kangaroo down sport'. I din't have any time to teach them NZ songs but they did make kiwi birds which they loved!

The weather in Germany is fantastic at the moment. It is up around 30 degrees everyday but it can also be a bit muggy. At the moment I am enjoying the beautiful clear skies of Tenerife which is part of the Canary Islands. Tenerife is actually part of Spain but it is down near Africa, just west of Morroco. It is very hot as you can probably imagine so we are getting out and enjoying the many things to see an do around the island and cooling off in the pool.

Hopefully it isn't too cold for you back home.
Missing you all,
Miss Millward

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Guten Tag from Germany!

Well it is almost time for you to start school for 2008 and I hear you have been having fabulous weather to enjoy those last few days of your holidays in. The weather has been a little colder this week compared to our warmer weather we had been having- down to 2 degrees during the day. Today it is a beautiful sunny day but the temperature outside is -1 degree so I think it will be a VERY cold night! At the moment I can hear the church bells ringing around the city.

I started my new job on Monday. I am working at a Kindergarten with German 3-6 year old children. It is very different from teaching Year 5 and 6 children! I play a lot of games with them and do puzzles and craft activities. Even though they speak German, I have to speak to them in English. It can be a little tricky at times but if I listen carefully I can work out what they are saying and then I reply to them in English. They understand a lot of English already but are just a bit shy to practice it.

On Tuesday it is Fasching in Germany. It is a big Carnival where everyone gets dressed up and goes a bit loopy for the day. They do it to scare away Winter and to have one last party before Lent begins. At my kindergarten we are having a Fasching party where we will be eating lots of food and dancing. All of the teachers are dressing up as Hula Dancers. I will try to put some photos of our celebration on for you.

Ella, it was great to hear that you received your postcard! I sent one to Mrs Thompson too so hopefully she has had hers arrive too.

Keep in touch everyone and let me know you are still reading the blog by leaving a comment on the comments page!

Miss Millward

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well in NZ it will officially be 2008 by now...I still have 7 hours before I will be celebrating the German New Year.

Here are a few pictures from my skiing trip over Christmas in France.

Surrounded by the French Alps on Christmas Day

Jace and I after a long day on the slopes!

The beautiful mountains of the French Alps.

It was a wonderful surprise to find Ella's Christmas card had arrived when I got home- thanks Ella!!! xx