Sunday, February 3, 2008

Guten Tag from Germany!

Well it is almost time for you to start school for 2008 and I hear you have been having fabulous weather to enjoy those last few days of your holidays in. The weather has been a little colder this week compared to our warmer weather we had been having- down to 2 degrees during the day. Today it is a beautiful sunny day but the temperature outside is -1 degree so I think it will be a VERY cold night! At the moment I can hear the church bells ringing around the city.

I started my new job on Monday. I am working at a Kindergarten with German 3-6 year old children. It is very different from teaching Year 5 and 6 children! I play a lot of games with them and do puzzles and craft activities. Even though they speak German, I have to speak to them in English. It can be a little tricky at times but if I listen carefully I can work out what they are saying and then I reply to them in English. They understand a lot of English already but are just a bit shy to practice it.

On Tuesday it is Fasching in Germany. It is a big Carnival where everyone gets dressed up and goes a bit loopy for the day. They do it to scare away Winter and to have one last party before Lent begins. At my kindergarten we are having a Fasching party where we will be eating lots of food and dancing. All of the teachers are dressing up as Hula Dancers. I will try to put some photos of our celebration on for you.

Ella, it was great to hear that you received your postcard! I sent one to Mrs Thompson too so hopefully she has had hers arrive too.

Keep in touch everyone and let me know you are still reading the blog by leaving a comment on the comments page!

Miss Millward