Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Guten Tag Room 10!

Well I hear you are having a great start to Term 4- awesome! I have been busy over here doing all sorts of things- a bit of shopping, watching rugby, sightseeing, eating lots of interesting food, going to the gym and riding my bike heaps!

I the photos below we are eating at an African restaurant. Your food comes out on a big plate and the meats and vegetables sit ontop of savoury pancakes. You use your fingers to tear off some pancake and then pick up the meat and vegetables you want. It is a bit messy but lots of fun and very tasty.

I have included some pictures in the slideshow below of some of the things I have seen around Frankfurt and the things I have been doing.

Tschuss (That's "bye" in German),
Miss Millward

P.S If you are adding comments to the posts that I put up it is best to put them on the most recent one that I've added- then I can easily reply to you. Make sure you put who they are from too!!

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Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward

Looks loike your having a great time in Germany that food looks very interesting.
From Alexis

Anonymous said...

really miss u
from Tyla

Anonymous said...

Guten Tag Miss Millward
The food looks absolutly fantastic I really wish I was there.

Today I got my nose fixed so no more bleeding but it started stinging after a while and the cream I put on it went brown and
I can't get it off.
Its so anoying!!!!!!
It will heal in a week so thats cool

Im going to Fiji on saturday and for 8 days,anyway enough about me
I hope you are having a great time

Tschuss Miss Millward

Anonymous said...

Hi Ella,

It was interesting to hear that you have been to the doctor about your blood noses because my doctor was going to fix my blood noses before I left too.

You must be enjoying your long weekend! I bet you can't wait to go to Fiji too- it will be much warmer than it is here! I have to wear gloves and a beanie when I'm on my bike now.

How is school at the moment? Is everyone getting ready for camp?

Anonymous said...

Yeah school is great and everyone is excited for camp as well

Anonymous said...

and just to let you know i check the website every day for interesting letters from you!

Anonymous said...

Im back from fiji a week ago and got my hair braded