Friday, November 9, 2007

Could it be snow???

Today out at Frankfurt International School it is snowing! That is only about a 20 minute drive from here! I wonder if we will have some snow over the weekend?

I haven't been up to too much over the past few weeks. I have done a painting to hang on the wall, have been to a few rugby games and have been out to Frankfurt International School with the rugby boys to teach the Year 5 children there about nutrition, stretching and warming up for sport and exercise.

This is a photo of me on the bus on the way to Cologne. Cologne is about a 3 hour bus ride from Frankfurt. Guess how long it took us to get there? 5 hours! We were driving along the Autobahn (which is the German word for motorway) and we hit a huge traffic jam! It wasn't like a traffic jam in Auckland where you just move along REALLY slowly.....we didn't even move at all for at least 20 minutes. The German bus driver turned on the traffic report on the radio and it said that a truck had driven off the side of a bridge up ahead and that they had closed the motorway until they could get cranes in to lift the truck back onto the road. We had to take a bit of a back road so we could get back onto the clear motorway ahead. We did finally make it to the rugby ground though and Jason's team won 81-5. Jason scored 2 tries.

The photos above are at Frankfurt International School. Jason and the other rugby boys had to go out to the school to teach the children a few things about sport and exercise. I went out too to look around the school, take some photos and help out if they needed it. Jason's group wanted some ideas for some games to play with the kids so I taught them a few of the games we play in NZ. We played games like rats and rabbits, red light, green light and octopus. The children really enjoyed them. Being at the school and doing a bit of teaching made me miss teaching Room 10!

Thank you to those people keeping me updated by email and through comments on the blog. I am hoping to be able to talk to you through a computer to computer phone line called Skype. It's lots of fun. I have been talking to Mr Rosamond and Mrs Behague on it. They can see me through a webcam and Mrs Behague has bought one too so that I can see her at school. You should go a visit her to ask which morning she will be talking to me next and you could come and talk to me.

Miss you all lots. Hope you're having a great Term 4!

Miss Millward


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sounds like you are having a great time

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward
I was just wondering if I could have your address and what part of Jermany you live in so I can send a post card to you. That would be great thanks
From Ella
I'm still missing you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ella,

My address is

Jakob-Heller Strasse 9
Frankfurt am Main

Let me know that you have got this message. I miss you too. Hope camp was awesome!

Anonymous said...

I got your adress but im not sure if Ellas got it .I really miss u and school doesnt seem right not having u there 2 keep us company
miss u

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Millward
I got your address thanks
I will send u a post card soon
merry christmas, its so exciting
the year has gone so fast
hope your having fun in germany
Camp was awesome
at school were r presenting a poem and acting it out at assembly tomorrow im the mum and josephs the dad and calebs santa its goin to b so cool
from Ella

Anonymous said...

Oh and I got my pen license
from Ella

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 10
In Germany it's frezing right now its hard to get get to sleep at night because its so cold. Hope you are all looking forward to Christmas I am.

OKOK its Ella Im just joking I can prove it we are doing the Kiwi night before Christmas at assembly and there was no asembly sorry if I fooled ya there
from Ella

Anonymous said...

HI. Im a boy in rm 10.

Maybe Ella and Alexis can find out who i am.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward
Is anyone there?
I haven't heard from you lately I guess you are buzy. If you have any spare time tell us about what you have been doing, that would be cool.
I have sent you a Christmas card and it will hopefully get to you soon, tell me if it doesn't come and I will send you another because you never know I might of spelt somthing wrong.

I am missing you;you are the best teacher in the whole wide world.

Buy the way miss ross paints her own nails and they look professional so....she is going to do Cailin and mine next week sometime.

It was great writing to you
From Ella

Anonymous said...

bla bal bla bla bla bal balchsdjygtvkudxgvkjzgdvjkzgj
just joking it ella! hahahahahahahahhahahaha