Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just a little update...

Hi Everyone,

It's great to have so many messages from you and to hear about what you have been getting up to in your new classes!

I have just finished my job as a kindergarten teacher in Frankfurt. We had the summer festival on my very last day which was great fun as all of the children sung songs. They even sang 'Kukaburra sits in the old gum tree' and 'Tie me kangaroo down sport'. I din't have any time to teach them NZ songs but they did make kiwi birds which they loved!

The weather in Germany is fantastic at the moment. It is up around 30 degrees everyday but it can also be a bit muggy. At the moment I am enjoying the beautiful clear skies of Tenerife which is part of the Canary Islands. Tenerife is actually part of Spain but it is down near Africa, just west of Morroco. It is very hot as you can probably imagine so we are getting out and enjoying the many things to see an do around the island and cooling off in the pool.

Hopefully it isn't too cold for you back home.
Missing you all,
Miss Millward


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward
How are you?
It sounds really fun! Tell Jason I said hi and ask him how his rugby is for me.
Sorry I have not talked in a long time.
I don't think you have meet bonnie but I made a best friend her name is bonnie and she has gone away on holiday to Europe for 2 months thats a long time but in exactly 2weeks she's coming home.It's really great cause she has sent me three post cards and hopefully you'll be geting one from me so yeah!
T.T.Y.L (talk to you later)
love from Ella

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Millward!
Hope you're having fun and I hope Jason is going good in rugby!!
I wish you were my teacher at AJHS (Albany Junior High School) because I have such a nasty, mean, strict teacher. Her name is Ms Dokter.


Anonymous said...

hi its ella im at intermediate now just thought id say hi.itsbeen so long

ella said...

long now its