Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas from Germany!

Here is a little picture of me with our Christmas tree in Germany. We leave to go skiing for Christmas in France tomorrow so I just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Keep in touch with me!

Miss Millward

Saturday, December 15, 2007


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Here are some pictures from my trip to Venice with my brother Hamish. Enjoy your last days of school for 2007!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Countdown to Christmas

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Ella has reminded me that I haven't updated the blog in awhile....

Well everything in Frankfurt has turned very Christmassy. In Germany most cities have Christmas markets and the one here is amazing (you can see some pictures in the slideshow). All of the shops here are beautifully decorated and at night there are lights everywhere!

On Tuesday my brother arrived from NZ to visit me for a month and today we are flying to Venice for four days. Venice is in Italy- you may have seen the part of Venice we are staying in on some movies. There are no cars there, everyone travels by small boats down canals. I will put some photos on for you to see when I get back.

Hope school is still going well and that you are all getting ready for Christmas!

Miss Millward

Friday, November 9, 2007

Could it be snow???

Today out at Frankfurt International School it is snowing! That is only about a 20 minute drive from here! I wonder if we will have some snow over the weekend?

I haven't been up to too much over the past few weeks. I have done a painting to hang on the wall, have been to a few rugby games and have been out to Frankfurt International School with the rugby boys to teach the Year 5 children there about nutrition, stretching and warming up for sport and exercise.

This is a photo of me on the bus on the way to Cologne. Cologne is about a 3 hour bus ride from Frankfurt. Guess how long it took us to get there? 5 hours! We were driving along the Autobahn (which is the German word for motorway) and we hit a huge traffic jam! It wasn't like a traffic jam in Auckland where you just move along REALLY slowly.....we didn't even move at all for at least 20 minutes. The German bus driver turned on the traffic report on the radio and it said that a truck had driven off the side of a bridge up ahead and that they had closed the motorway until they could get cranes in to lift the truck back onto the road. We had to take a bit of a back road so we could get back onto the clear motorway ahead. We did finally make it to the rugby ground though and Jason's team won 81-5. Jason scored 2 tries.

The photos above are at Frankfurt International School. Jason and the other rugby boys had to go out to the school to teach the children a few things about sport and exercise. I went out too to look around the school, take some photos and help out if they needed it. Jason's group wanted some ideas for some games to play with the kids so I taught them a few of the games we play in NZ. We played games like rats and rabbits, red light, green light and octopus. The children really enjoyed them. Being at the school and doing a bit of teaching made me miss teaching Room 10!

Thank you to those people keeping me updated by email and through comments on the blog. I am hoping to be able to talk to you through a computer to computer phone line called Skype. It's lots of fun. I have been talking to Mr Rosamond and Mrs Behague on it. They can see me through a webcam and Mrs Behague has bought one too so that I can see her at school. You should go a visit her to ask which morning she will be talking to me next and you could come and talk to me.

Miss you all lots. Hope you're having a great Term 4!

Miss Millward

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Getting Cold....

Hi Room 10,

Well I see that lots of other classes have started doing blogs at Coatesville School too- Room 4, Room 9 and Room 12 have started blogging since we begun.

I bet you all had a great long weekend and hopefully the weather was good! It has suddenly got a lot colder over here this week. At night it sometimes below 0 and then during the day it is around 9 degrees. At the moment it feels as cold as our winters in NZ....but this is only Autumn in Germany. It is going to get very cold!

Last week we organised our Christmas holidays. We are going skiing in the French Alps. Red reading group may remember reading about how popular skiing is in France. It should be a lot of fun! We even went and bought our ski gear the other day. Christmas Day in the mountains with snow will definitely be different from Christmas in NZ!

I have put in a new pole to the right of the can vote to tell me whether you think I should keep updating the blog, so I know if you are reading it or not.

Give me an email or leave a comment on this post- I would love to hear what you are doing!!!

Miss M

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Guten Tag Room 10!

Well I hear you are having a great start to Term 4- awesome! I have been busy over here doing all sorts of things- a bit of shopping, watching rugby, sightseeing, eating lots of interesting food, going to the gym and riding my bike heaps!

I the photos below we are eating at an African restaurant. Your food comes out on a big plate and the meats and vegetables sit ontop of savoury pancakes. You use your fingers to tear off some pancake and then pick up the meat and vegetables you want. It is a bit messy but lots of fun and very tasty.

I have included some pictures in the slideshow below of some of the things I have seen around Frankfurt and the things I have been doing.

Tschuss (That's "bye" in German),
Miss Millward

P.S If you are adding comments to the posts that I put up it is best to put them on the most recent one that I've added- then I can easily reply to you. Make sure you put who they are from too!!

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Monday, October 8, 2007

Term 4

Hi Room 10!

Today will be your first day of school with your new teacher, Miss Ross. I hope you have heaps of fun and remember to keep me updated on all of the great things you get up to in Term 4- you have a lot to look forward to!

Miss Millward

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Today we went shopping in the center of Frankfurt. It wasn't a very nice day but it was still pretty hot. These pictures are taken from the top of a small shopping Galleria in Frankfurt.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Miss Millward's Bike

Well I officially have transport in Frankfurt now- my very own bike. I haven't been on a bike for a long time but it is lots of fun!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I've Arrived!

Well, I am finally here in Germany!

My flight was very long and I got through a lot of movies! I even watched another "Herbie" movie after I quite enjoyed the one we watched at school last week.

I was picked up from the airport and driven to my new house. They don't really have a speed limit on the motorway here so we were travelling at well over 100km/h which is a bit different from home!

At my new house I have a big bedroom that even has a couch and a sink in it. I have unpacked all of my things already and have even had a quick look around the neighbourhood where I live. All of the houses are three storeys and the streets are lined with big trees- it's a very pretty part of town! Jason has shown me where the supermarket is and we went in to buy a few things. It was quite tricky reading all the labels in German but I did understand the lady at the counter when she told me the price in German so that was good!

Well here are some pictures from around the neighbourhood and some from our house. This weekend I am going to the markets to buy a bike so that will be exciting!

Miss M

P.S Sorry if there are typing mistakes....I am typing this in the dark because I have jet lag and am wide awake because my brain is on NZ time still.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Jason's Rugby

A few people have been asking for updates on Jason's rugby games. I have all of the results on the right of the page and a few pictures attached too.

Just one more sleep until I leave and I am very excited....although I can't talk about it at the moment because I have completely lost my voice!!

I will let you all know how I am when I have settled in. Thank you to those people who have already emailed me!

Miss Millward

P.S: Shivaun, tell mum that I've already got a few people catching a ride in my suitcase and I don't think there will be quite enough room to squeeze one more...

Friday, September 21, 2007


Thank you Room 10 (and other visitors from other classes at Coatesville) for making my last day at Coatesville so special! You all looked amazing all dressed up and it made it very difficult to say goodbye. I will be in touch soon to let you know when I have arrived in Frankfurt. Enjoy your holidays and be safe!

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Time to Pack!

Well my plane ticket is all booked for the 25th of September so that means I have 3 weeks to organise everything that I will need for my move to Germany. I am sure you can imagine that it would be very hard to decide what to pack and what to leave behind! I am only taking one suitcase and I can only pack it with 20kgs of 'stuff'- help!

I am spending a lot of my spare time organising many things that you don't really think about like bank accounts, insurance, international drivers licence and even my C.V. (so I can be a teacher in Germany if I want to). So much to do and so little time to do it....oh well, that's what makes life interesting and fun filled!

If you have any questions for me about my preparations for my trip leave a comment and I will try and answer your question.

Miss Millward

Monday, August 20, 2007


Hi Room 10!

As you found out on Friday, I will be leaving Coatesville School and heading off to live in Frankfurt, Germany which is SUPER exciting for me....but at the same time very sad as I will miss you all lots!. We have another 5 weeks together before I go, so lets make the most of it!

Miss Millward