Saturday, September 1, 2007

Time to Pack!

Well my plane ticket is all booked for the 25th of September so that means I have 3 weeks to organise everything that I will need for my move to Germany. I am sure you can imagine that it would be very hard to decide what to pack and what to leave behind! I am only taking one suitcase and I can only pack it with 20kgs of 'stuff'- help!

I am spending a lot of my spare time organising many things that you don't really think about like bank accounts, insurance, international drivers licence and even my C.V. (so I can be a teacher in Germany if I want to). So much to do and so little time to do it....oh well, that's what makes life interesting and fun filled!

If you have any questions for me about my preparations for my trip leave a comment and I will try and answer your question.

Miss Millward


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward
Mopefully you chose the right clothing to take Germany.I hope you have a great time.

Anonymous said...

i hope you have a lovely time in germany and i will miss you soooooooooooooo much


Anonymous said...

To Alexis, Jassinda and Sidney,

Yes it is quite easy in some ways to choose the right clothes to take and hard in others. It will be winter over there so it is quite good that I can just take the clothes that I have been wearing in winter here. However the weather in winter in Germany is MUCH colder so I have to take a lot of my very thick warm jumpers and jackets which take up a lot of space in my suitcase and also weigh it down! It may just be a good excuse to not take too much with me and then go SHOPPING when I get there instead!

Anonymous said...

hello miss millward i here u r packing some clothes and going to Germany in 2 weeks.I will miss u,not(juz joking).

Anonymous said...

To Miss Millward

I will miss you so much!
you are a great teacher.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward

How is Jason going in his rugby.

Anonymous said...

Good question Sidney. Jason played his second game on Saturday and they had a win versus Berlin 20-17. It was a much harder game than their first one!

Anonymous said...

HI miss millward

Jason is doing very well lets hope he keeps winning

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Millward very sad you are
leaving I know that the new teacher won't be as nice as you

Anonymous said...

MISS MILLWARD [AKA THE PRETTIEST TEACHER ALIVE]:You are the best teacher in the whole world. when you are gone we bet everyone will cry [tears of joy NOT]We are all very sad about you leaving XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX FROM:Caitlin and Joshua

Anonymous said...

Be prepared for a awesomely cool dance and a truckload of cards on Friday
ONE DAY TO GO YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rock
by the way you will get loads of prezzies
Caitlin and Alanna

Anonymous said...

did you remember if you knew mike stewart? chris

Anonymous said...

I'm still not sure Chris...I have been trying to think....find out what intermediate and high school they went to for me...that would help.

Anonymous said...

Chris....I HAVE remembered how I know them! Michael was friends with my finace Jason through high school and Steve was in my year at high school and knew my friend Mandy Hackett. Thank goodness I have figured it out- it was really annoying me! How are you related to them?

Anonymous said...

Has Jason won any games after his match against Berlin?(Mum wonders if there is any room in your sutcase for

Anonymous said...

I am really going to miss the fun our class have had together like timer for the roll,the surpise party for you and jump jam. you are the greatest(AND PRETTEST)teacher I have ever had we will all miss you so much
Luv from Ella xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss M

I am missing you heaps!!!!!!!! but i hope you' ve
had a great time so far xoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm having lots of fun so far Sid. Make sure you send me your email address if you have one!

Anonymous said...

Miss MIllward we are having so much fun in class but now we have fitness after the roll today(15/10/07)it was raining I hope you had nice weather there


Anonymous said...

hi please replie