Monday, August 20, 2007


Hi Room 10!

As you found out on Friday, I will be leaving Coatesville School and heading off to live in Frankfurt, Germany which is SUPER exciting for me....but at the same time very sad as I will miss you all lots!. We have another 5 weeks together before I go, so lets make the most of it!

Miss Millward


Anonymous said...

Miss Millward is the best teacher
ever and I will miss you alot.

(Stephen Summers)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Stephen! I will miss you too!

Anonymous said...

hi miss millward
i will really miss you.The new teacher will not be as good as you because you are the best teacher.


Anonymous said...

You have done awesome games with us and have been nice all year.


Anonymous said...

Aren't my Room 10 kiddy winkles sweet! I'm going to miss all of you! We certainly ARE the best class in the school!

Mrs Miles said...

Hello Miss Millward
This Blob site looks grrreat! Thanks for sending me the website. So you have 5 weeks left, how is Coatesville School going to cope without Miss Millward?! Love the comments written by the children in your class (how much do you have to pay them to write such lovely things? Ha ha).
I hope you get the opportunity to come and visit us here in Scotland!
Keep intouch
Love From Mrs Miles
P.s Say a big HELLO to Room 10 - The Best Class in the School!

Anonymous said...

Miss millward you rock and no teacher can ever replace you!!!!!!
Have fun in germany!!

Anonymous said...

Hey miss m have a great day today!

Anonymous said...

Hi miss millward

it is very soon i think we will all miss you

Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Millward you r the prettiest teacher eva and the best 1 in the world no 1 can eva replace u.

luv Paris

Anonymous said...

Hi miss Millward
You are the best teacher in the world no teacher can replace you no matter what

Luv Tyla

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your lovely comments everyone...Coatesville School has such thoughtful and sweet will I ever be able to walk out the door on my last day???

Anonymous said...

miss millward is the prettiest, funniest, sportiest, gamiest if that is even a word, teacher in the whole wide world and i will miss you soooo much thank you for being the most awesome teacher for the past 3 terms i hope you have a lovely time in frankfurt

Anonymous said...

hi miss millward
It is only 5 days laft of school with you but sadly 1 term with the ew teacher

Anonymous said...

Not long to go now!!!

Anonymous said...

Why did you have to leave us
